Travelling With A Budget

Hello everyone! How are you all doing? I hope you are having a great day! πŸ™‚ Ok so what I wanted to talk about today is, well, you probably already know seen as it’s in the title… Travelling with a budget!

Many people are already probably going “Haha I spent this much money the last time I travelled!” But what did you spend that money on? A luxury villa or hotel room? Eating out at restaurants? Or how about buying things like clothes and souvenirs whilst you were there? You see my point? The travelling part is pretty cheap, your money disappears quickly when you start spending it on things you don’t need. Don’t get me wrong, of course you might want to eat out once or twice while on your trip and maybe you want to stay in a fancy villa or hotel room and of course you are going to buy something while you are there, but think about it.

How long are you going to spend in your hotel room? You aren’t going to be in there long surely? Because I know for a fact the majority of people would rather be out, adventuring, looking at new things, meeting new people, just having fun.

I won’t lie, everybody eats out while travelling, to experience new food, to try different things. All I’m saying is don’t go to the most expensive restaurant because your money is going to disappear very fast.

Now when you can get designer clothes cheap, who doesn’t buy them?! But try not to buy the whole shop πŸ˜‚ And then there’s the souvenirs. Now I’m a sucker for buying souvenirs but when I get back home to England I suddenly realise how many I have bought and ask myself “WHYYYYYY?!?”

Now if you are travelling to say, Florida to do the parks (even though there is many incredible places in Florida aside from the parks, the Everglades, Miami, the Kennedy space centre, beaches) then of course that is going to be a lot of money but there are so many deals at ticket booths etc so my recommendation DON’T BUY THE TICKETS AT THE ACTUAL PARKS!

Anyways I’m going to stop ranting now but my point is, before you buy, before you go out to a fancy restaurant ask yourself, “Is it really worth the money like fr?” Because you could save yourself thousands.

I just think when travelling it’s important to have a budget on how much you can spend on different things for eg how much are you allowed to spend on food per day? I know this may sound silly but in the long run it will help.

Hope this blog made some sort of sense? Haha I’m new to this whole thing πŸ˜©πŸ˜‚ Have a blessed day. πŸ™‚ P.S. How amazing are my photography skills πŸ˜‚ It’s definitely just because I got a good seat on the plane.

-Sabrina xo

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